Welcome back to the 2024-2025 school year! We are thrilled to work with our students and families during this upcoming year. As the superintendent at Tippecanoe Valley, I am immensely proud of how our community and school corporation collaborate to provide the best educational experience for our students. At Valley, one thing remains constant: VALLEY FAMILY. VALLEY PRIDE. We offer global learning grounded in small-town values by truly getting to know every student.
We are eager to work with you to ensure our students have countless enriching learning opportunities at TVSC. Over my 20-plus years at Valley, witnessing the positive changes within our school corporation has been incredible. We continue to enhance the technology our teachers and students use in the classroom. This summer, our faculty and staff participated in training to collaborate more effectively, ensuring that ALL our students learn at high levels.
At TVSC, we aim to promote student success through leadership, literacy, and character education. I am humbled and blessed to work with individuals who are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to help our students succeed today, tomorrow, and beyond. TVSC provides numerous academic, social, and athletic opportunities, allowing students to connect with their classmates, teachers, and staff members, and to represent our school with competitive greatness and class.
I look forward to witnessing the great achievements our students and staff will accomplish this school year as we continue to strive for improvement every day. It’s a great day to be a Viking!
Blaine Conley, Ed. S.
Tippecanoe Valley School Corporation